Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pearl Harbor

1.Start date-December 7, 1941

2.Honolulu, Hawaii

3.Japanese force consisted of 6 carriers with 423 planes.

4.Japanese attack force was under the command of Admiral Nagumo

5.At 6am, the first Japanese attack wave of 83 planes took off.

6.18 US ships were hit.

7.Casualties included 2335 servicemen and 68 civilians.

8.1078 people were wounded.

9.Day after attack, the US and Britain declared war on Japan.

10.The air raid lasted until about 9:45 am


September 11, 2001 NYC, world trade center. Terrorists high jacked plane

George Washington

George Washington became 1st president on April 30, 1789 in NYC

Henry Ford

Henry Ford, built first car in 1896, Detriot, IL

Eli Whitney

Eli Whitney invented cotton gin in 1793, GA. To relieve the poverty of the South by making a device that separated the seed from the short-staple cotton fiber


Scandium Date of Discovery: 1879
Discoverer: Lars Nilson –Scandinavia


Hydrogen Date of Discovery: 1766
Discoverer: Henry Cavendish London